Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Love is in the air.

I don't really know what I am feeling right now  but I wish I wasn't.  Now based on the title you may be put off by that sentence but I am not the one in love, I am the observer, making me jealous.  I hate when I am jealous.  Why am I jealous?  Because everyone and their dog is getting married or dating someone or has some kind of potential and where am I?  Alone, with my dog, sad. 

Not that it is really that sad.  I am happy, until I start comparing myself with others.  Why is it I can't just be happy in the situation I am in?  I have a good job, good friends, I am enjoying school, I have a new car, and I am busy!  Yet, three people, this week have become engaged, what the heck!?!?  I mean, I don't want to be engaged right now but sometime, in the future, I would like to be.  Is there anything wrong with that?  UGH! 

Is there anything wrong with wanting to find someone to spend the rest of your life with, a man to protect and hold you?  But no, I am stuck with Sarah and Olive!  Haha, that sounds awful!  I love Sarah, she is one of my best friends and I love Olive, she is my wonderful dog but I certainly can't make a future with either of them, can I?  Sure, I see them in my future but I don't see them making a future with me!

I am sure I will get over my jealousy.  I am happy for each of these people, I am but really, when is my turn?

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