Wednesday, April 21, 2010


I was listening in on a conversation of some friends a week ago and was saddened by what they said. Here is a summarized replay of what happened...

Al was messing with Abby.
Abby responds with "I'm going to kill you"
Nate: "That isn't very Christian"
Abby: "Whatever"
Nate: "of course, you could find a Christian way to do it in like Mike (who recently joined the Army)"

Does being in the Army mean you can kill under God? I honestly don't think so. The topic of military and Christianity has always been a conflict for me within. For one, I don't think killing is right, ever. Yet, I have many friends who are in the military, serving the country they love. I have a certain admiration for them I guess but not because they kill. I think it is because they have given their lives to something they believe in; not many people do that.

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