Thursday, September 2, 2010

The Bible/Church

Going to church has always been hard for me because I hate when people are fake and I also have a more "liberal" point of view (I will save that topic for another blog... maybe), which often clashes with the churches point of view. I loved the church I went to at home; the members were my family, I loved listening to sermons, I loved the worship, and I loved the fellowship and accountability. Since moving to Wyoming I have been to several, several churches. When I first moved here I went consistently to a church that I loved because once again, it felt like family. Well, they got a new pastor and the pastor had a pretty clear point of view on women's roles in the church. At the time I was leading the college Bible study and have a strong belief as women being leaders in the church. I decided it was time to move on. I hopped around for years trying to find a new church and finally found one I love, Snowy Range Evangelical Free Church. I love it. Unfortunately, for the last 6 months I have had to work Sunday mornings and think I have gone a total of 8 times since deciding it was the church for me. I hope, in the near future I can start going to church again because I love it so.

I also opened up my Bible today, which I don't do nearly often enough at about one time a week and it made me sad. I was looking up a verse in Romans posted on a friends page and there was a bookmark at Romans ch. 4. January I decided I would read my Bible every day. I started in Romans. I obviously didn't make it very far. I have lots of excuses, all of them lame sauce. I am going to challenge myself to read my Bible every evening before bed, even if it is a verse. Got to start somewhere, right?


Lisa said...

yes, we all have to start somewhere! 1 vs leads to chapters! Sometimes that one vs says so much we can't stop reading! Is this the same church that the boys in your home are wanting to attend? If so how cool is that!, you can go to church and yet you are working!

Daffney Lauren said...

The church I want to attend is not the one the boys want to go to.

Lisa said...

I am just checking in on you....have you started reading at least a verse each day? from the Bible? I too have struggled with that over the last few years. It was also part of what I wanted to do each day besides my healthy make over and have not yet implemented it. Today is my day one. I am starting a journal of the verses I select and the prayers I will focus on as well. You inspired me! Thank you and hoping you have been able to start this for your self as well! Much love, Madre